Today Eyes on Animals is back in the city of Samsun, located on the Black Sea in Turkey, at the Samsun Bar Association. Asalet was asked to give a presentation on captive bolt stunning devices. The Mayor of the province, Mr. Cemil Deveci, and the slaughterhouse operators were also present. There were many academics in attendance as well. Mr. Deveci himself was very friendly and asked us to send the video footage showing how rendering sheep and cattle unconscious first by a captive bolt stunner causes much less suffering than when these animals are restrained and have their throats cut while fully sentient. They will publish it and use it to further educate people in their province. Giving this presentation made a good impression and will be helpful to us in the future to get more help to animals in slaughterhouses that continue to restrain, hoist and cut the throats of animals while fully sentient. Thank you to the national Turkish NGO HAYTAP for coordinating this terrific conference and giving us this opportunity.

Articles about our work and Asalet’s talk were published in numerous newspapers, including the large national one, in Turkey: