Lecture on Ritual Slaughter and Ethics at Islamic Institution in Cologne, DE
The Academic Organisation for Culture, an Islamic Institution in Cologne (Germany), invited our inspector Asalet Sancakdaroglu to give a talk
The Academic Organisation for Culture, an Islamic Institution in Cologne (Germany), invited our inspector Asalet Sancakdaroglu to give a talk
The French animal-welfare organization L214 releases footage taken from inside the Alès slaughterhouse in southern France in 2015. This slaughterhouse
At Bowood, which is owned by English father and son, Robert and William Woodward, and produces non-stun meat for the
Today a team from Eyes on Animals was accepted by Van Drie to receive a tour of their calf slaughterhouse
A team from TSB/AWF and EonA is invited to visit halal slaughter of sheep at a slaughterhouse in Clarens/ Switzerland.
Today the Eyes on Animals/Animal Welfare Foundation team that is working on getting welfare improvements at the Turkish slaughterhouses, drove